His Name…Prince of Peace

His Name…Prince of Peace

Are you weary and anxious? Does peace always feel elusive? There is One whose name is the Prince of Peace. He has authority over all and when you couple that with His goodness and perfect wisdom, you have a recipe for rest. This broken, discordant and selfish world is...
His Name…Everlasting Father

His Name…Everlasting Father

Who is Jesus? Who is our Savior? Why does it matter if we know that He is eternal, everlasting? The Holy Spirit has Isaiah write specific, identifying characteristics of this son, this Savior who will be given to us so that we can clearly identify Him. God desired the...
Heaven’s Perspective

Heaven’s Perspective

Joshua was now leading the Children of Israel. God had supernaturally and dramatically delivered them from bondage and slavery in Egypt by the hand of Moses 40 years prior. But as that generation “did not listen to the voice of the Lord,” (Joshua 5:6) God...