Joshua was now leading the Children of Israel. God had supernaturally and dramatically delivered them from bondage and slavery in Egypt by the hand of Moses 40 years prior. But as that generation “did not listen to the voice of the Lord,” (Joshua 5:6) God waited to move them forward, and the command to enter and conquer the promised land was now given to a new generation of God’s children.

Following the death of Moses, Joshua was given command and instructions as to how to move forward: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.”*

When a sword-wielding warrior presented himself to Joshua as he waited for direction from God on the plains of Jericho, Joshua questioned him. “Are you for us or for our adversaries?”

Joshua, who was waiting on God’s instructions, leading God’s children amongst enemies, was wanting to know a simple thing. Whose ‘side’ are you on?

The Warrior’s reply? “No.”

Wait. What?

That doesn’t answer Joshua’s question. But it’s the answer he is given. The Warrior follows up by stating, “As Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”

This is interesting. The answer given makes no sense from man’s perspective, but from heaven’s perspective it makes perfect sense. There is only one perspective that matters: God’s.

Joshua’s question was man-centered. He wasn’t able to receive a correct and effective answer when his question was misguided and his question of limited scope.

To the eyes of man there are often only 2 perspectives: ours and then variations of those who ‘oppose’ us. Even when we love God and His word, as Joshua did, our questions and perspectives can be man-centered.

Joshua’s response reveals a tender heart God will speak to and use with great effectiveness for His glory: “And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down and said to him, ‘what has my lord to say to his servant?'”

Joshua worshiped before God. His previous question was now out of the question. Joshua with all good intentions asked a question, but it was the wrong question.  He now submitted Himself to what God would say. Only by humble reverence and obedience to God’s authority will we be effective for His Kingdom.  He wasn’t chastened for asking a wrong question, but when he was given correct perspective – Heaven’s perspective, Joshua didn’t argue.

Our lives are lived within the context of the world God created. We are His creatures. Our worldview should be shaped, cultivated and informed by the Bible, which is God’s perspective given to us. In Jesus, who is the Living Word, “is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”  We are told to seek Him and to know Him will keep us from being deluded with “persuasive argument.”** The Word is living and effective, useful for teaching and showing us the correct way to go in all things.”***

God gave Joshua very unique instructions that from man’s perspective would NEVER have marked the path of freedom or ended in victory. And so it will ever be. “God’s ways are higher than our ways;” “God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.”

A deep and vital knowledge of God’s word coupled with a humble heart of obedience will always bear fruit: the parting of the Red Sea, the Jordan River stopped, the walls of Jericho crumbled at a shout.

What will God accomplish through us in this fallen world if we lift up His Word as the context with which we process life and ask Him to show us His glory? He may choose different methods than we would expect to accomplish His glory.  But let’s go ahead and ask anyway.

Who’s with Him?

* (Joshua 2:8)   –    ** (Colossians 2:2-4)    –   *** (2 Timothy 3:16)