Do you need some counsel today?
Desire some wisdom for a decision? The strength to walk thru messy and uncertain circumstances?

Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor who is also Almighty God has come. Into our sin ridden and fear infested 2020. He not only can bring us wisdom and strength, He IS wisdom and strength.

To sit and pour our our hearts to Him as we journal, to take a walk where we dish out our deepest fears, to kneel as we lean and cry on His shoulder, to desperately grab the hem of His robe in our weakest moments is to encounter and express our faith in the One who loves us so much that He left the glories of Heaven to come and walk amongst those who would push Him aside, contradict Him, conspire against Him and kill Him. He came to offer hope to me, to you. Eternally and today.

He has come. He is wonderful. All kinds of wonderful and He offers Himself to the world, but most importantly, He offers Himself to you today.

Do you need saving? Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor. He is THE Mighty God. He has come to save us. Hallelujah! Jesus is here!!