GloryLit Vision

GloryLit Vision

GloryLit was birthed out of the biblical truth that each person is made in the image of God and for His glory. Each person is beautifully designed and given unique gifts.  Those gifts were given with love by God and for God.  They were given to be used for the glory...
Heart of GloryLit

Heart of GloryLit

“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness” – God alone is the Creator.  Anything good and edifying comes from Him.  There is a darkness and all men live in that spiritual darkness.  All men have fallen short of the glory of God...
Hope from the Clouds

Hope from the Clouds

Do you ever get tired of being a sinner?  Do you want to run or escape who you are?  Sometimes my failures begin to overwhelm me and I want to hide or run away. Today as I was talking with the Lord, struggling with being overwhelmed, He told me to look at the clouds. ...
The Good News

The Good News

It’s no shock to any of us that we aren’t perfect.  Every day we try to do things right, but we know that we fail on a regular basis even when we try to hide it from others.  But people see it, even when we like to think they don’t.  Those failures (intentional and...
The Hope in Trial

The Hope in Trial

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”- Romans 5:5 (Hope: to anticipate, usually with pleasure, to expect good) Oftentimes, in the very place we experience tribulation...