Have you ever experienced the glory of God? 

Ezekiel did, and in response, he fell on his face (Ez 1:28). 

Job did and it motivated him to repentance in dust and ashes (Job 41:6).

Isaiah saw glory of God filling the temple and, the contrast of God’s holiness in the face of what Isaiah knew about himself, he saw his own filth and sinfulness (Is 6:5).

God’s glory provokes a response.  Intimate contact with the holiness and glory of God (which are inseparable) evokes a reaction.  For us who love Him, we are moved to humility and awe.  For those who don’t know Him yet, a humble and seeking heart will yield.  But those who stand in willful pride harden themselves when faced with their own sin in the light of His perfection.  They stand on their own merit in defiance; a rebellious child staring their loving Father in the eye as He finds them in the act of disobedience.

It’s a miracle and a testimony to His love, goodness and grace that any of us are saved.  The holy, good and perfect One, dying for the prideful, filthy, blind and rebellious lost ones.  Only One filled with perfect compassion and love would do it.  For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.

Christ has died for you. His love manifested towards you. At the very moment you were most rebellious towards Him and stained with your sins, He reaches out His hand and desires to envelop you in His love. 

What is your response?