Ever feel discouraged because of your lack of talent in one area or another?  You see that God has given you a desire to do something creatively, but “it will never be good enough” or “as good as” someone else.  Does it stop you from trying to do “that thing” that you feel compelled to do?  “That thing” you feel created to do and want to do, to express your love and your adoration for the One who made you? 

In those moments, this is one of the thoughts that gives me freedom to create or to try new things:  our attempts to be sophisticated or polished will never remotely compare or compete with the glory of the One who made the stars and the heavens sing, set the rhythm of the earth and gave breath and voice to all its creatures.  All creation declares His glory* and by His grace alone my life will do the same. 

Our critical perspective, which is what stops or hinders me, comes from a concern of man’s opinion.  Creatively speaking, even Bach and Beethoven who most all would agree were geniuses were mere created sinful creatures; broken vessels who received a gift from the Lord in their talents that impress us, yet do not impress the God who gifted and inspired them.  Inasmuch as they fulfilled God’s call, and were used for His glory, they received their “well done my good and faithful servant.” In this they were successful, but once in heaven where God is revealed in all His splendor and glory, not one thing that any of the highest in man’s estimation have done will compare or cause anyone a moment of wonder.  Except to be in awe that He used us at all.  To the praise of the glory of His grace. 

This side of heaven, we are rightly in awe of what the most skilled and self-disciplined among women and men accomplish.  Beyond our acknowledgement that what they have done is far beyond our ability, we see a reminder of what God has told us in His word.  That man is dust** and any good thing comes from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or turning***.  We can appreciate and be in awe of what God has made through the men and women He uses broadly across communities or cultures, but let us not allow comparison to hinder the creative expression of our faith in our desire to bring Him glory.  The widow who gave two mites didn’t impress man, but blessed the heart of the Father.  God gives good gifts to His children and what He deems to give us we can rejoice and delight in as we do them in worship of Him – whether man approves of it at all.

So create unto the Lord with freedom!

*Psalm 19:1

**Psalm 103:14

***James 1:17